What should I learn before learning Spring?

How to code or program.

Knowing Java means you know a programming language, not that you know how to program. Knowing how to program means that you know the structuring principles to putting an application together. You know when to use a linked list instead of an array.

The way I began to learn programming is the book: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Also known as SICP. Read it and do the exercises. More than once.

I have run across many people who read Java, and even write some Java. But all they could really do is crib code snippets. The did not understand how the whole thing worked.

Also, I think you don’t need any other specific prerequisites to learn Spring. But it is still enormous, if you move beyond Spring IOC, you might want to peek into JavaEE a bit and get a foundation of what’s there.

Once you’re comfortable coding using Spring, then you might want to get certified.

We halved the price of our simulators at www.springmockexams.com and www.javamockexams.com for limited time only –  take a look here bit.ly/SMEBP and here bit.ly/JMEBP

Does Core Spring 4. 2 Certification helps programmer in growing his or her career?

The Core Spring 4.2 certification may help in Service base industry. Also will help you to be through with your knowledge in Spring Framework. It is good to have this certification because it is a perfect way to showcase your knowledge and it will be valid for a long time.

I would suggest to do some project using Spring Framework first or may be contributing to open source who are using these stack, then once you are comfortable with the technology, then go for the certification.

By the way, here are the differences between Spring 4.x and 3.x

Spring 4.x:

  • Removed Deprecated Packages and Methods, check out the API Differences
  • Report
  • Java 8 Support
  • Java EE 6 and 7 or above is now considered the baseline for Spring
  • Framework 4
  • Groovy Bean Definition DSL, read more about this API.
  • Core Container Improvements
  • General Web Improvements
  • WebSocket, SockJS, and STOMP Messaging
  • Testing Improvements

Spring 3.x:

  • Spring MVC Test Framework
  • Asynchronous MVC processing on Servlet 3.0
  • Custom @Bean definition annotations in @Configuration classes
  • @Autowired and @Value to be used as meta-annotations
  • Concurrency refinements across the framework
  • Loading WebApplicationContexts in the TestContext framework
  • JCache 0.5 (JSR-107)

You may also take the Core Spring 4.2 mock exam at 50% off which has been proven to be real questions from the certification exam.

Pass the Java Spring Framework 4 and #CoreSpring 4.2 Certification Today: bit.ly/JMEHO | bit.ly/SMEHOOT

Should a beginner focus more on Core Java or Spring?

For me, I think beginners should concentrate more on Core Java first and for in-depth knowledge of Core Java and its core features, you may study and practice reading Decodejava.com presenting simple and easy Java tutorial.

For beginners they have covered most of the Java features –

  • Control Statements -Control statements like if, if-else, switch, while loop, break, continue etc control the flow of our program. To know more about control statements, starting with if statement, please read Java if statement
  • Java Exceptions– Exception is an unusual exceptional condition or a runtime error, which occurs only during the runtime of a Java program. To know about Java Exceptions and how they are caused in a Java program, you may read Exception Handling in Java
  • String – String is a nothing but a sequence of characters within double quotes. To know about String and its various important methods, please follow Java String Class – Decodejava.com
  • File Input/Output – File Input/Output classes are used to read/write data from the files. To know more about file input/output and its important classes with short code examples , please follow – Java File Class – Decodejava.com
  • Thread – A thread is a program in execution that is performing some specific task. Thread is the most important feature of Core Java and to know more Thread and its features with easy code examples, please read Threads in Java – Decodejava.com
  • Applet – An applet is a Java program that can be transported over the internet and executed by a Java enabled web-browser. To know more about Applet and it’s important features, you may read Java Applet Class- Decodejava.com
  • Collection Framework – Collection Framework provides important interfaces and classes using which we can manage a group of objects. Collections comes in the advance topics of Core Java but you shouldn’t miss it. To know more about every Collection classes with short code examples, you may read ArrayList in Java- Decodejava.com
  • Swing package- Swing framework gives us an ability to create window based applications and its easy to use graphical user interface(GUI)For more on Swing and its classes with easy code examples, you may follow Java Swing- Decodejava.com

Hope this helps and don’t forget there are no shortcuts to success, so practice your Java programming as much as possible to excel.

By the way, I am also really happy to announce some very exciting news: to celebrate the imminent release of Spring 5 and Java 9,  we launched our simulators SALE CAMPAIGN. We halved the price of our simulators at www.springmockexams.com and www.javamockexams.com for limited time only. Take a look here bit.ly/SMEBP and here bit.ly/JMEBP

If you are interested in collaborating with us, you can join our partner program at bit.ly/SMEPART  and here bit.ly/JMEPART


Spring Batch Tutorial: Batch Processing Made Easy with Spring

Spring Batch is a comprehensive framework that’s designed to facilitate the development of robust batch applications. It’s lightweight and easy to set up. Moreover, it’s even easier to use.

In this article, you’ll get free online resources for you to learn the programming model and the domain language of batch applications. You’ll get detailed code examples that should help you to get a head start in Spring Batch.

Here’s our recommended resources for Spring Batch learning:

  1. Spring Batch – Wikipedia
  2. Spring Batch
  3. http://www.mkyong.com/tutorials/…
  4. Spring Batch Tutorial – Introduction Get Best Examples
  5. Spring Batch Tutorial – The ULTIMATE Guide (PDF Download)
  6. Spring Batch Tutorial: Introduction

Hope you find them useful.

By the way, I am also really happy to announce some very exciting news: to celebrate the imminent release of Spring 5 and Java 9,  we launched our simulators SALE CAMPAIGN. We halved the price of our simulators at www.springmockexams.com and www.javamockexams.com for limited time only. Take a look here bit.ly/SMEBP and here bit.ly/JMEBP

If you are interested in collaborating with us, you can join our partner program at bit.ly/SMEPART  and here bit.ly/JMEPART