What are the technologies a Java developer must know?

You can’t possibly know all the Java technologies out there because no company will give you a chance to. One company will swear by the Spring framework while other companies like LinkedIn have moved on and are into the PlayFramework.

However, let me give you a list of 10 technologies that will always pitch you ahead of your competition regardless of the company.

10 Skills that will make you a great Java Developer:

  1. At least one MVC Framework like JSF, Playframework, Struts, or Spring MVC
  2. Hibernate or JPA for databases
  3. Dependency Injection (@Resource)
  4. SOAP based Web Services (JAX-WS)
  5. Some build tool (AntMaven, etc.)
  6. JUnit (or other Unit Testing framework)
  7. Version Control mostly Git
  8. JSTL
  9. Application server/container configuration management and application deployment (whether it is WebSphereTomcatJBoss, etc. you need to know where your application runs and how to improve its execution)
  10. AJAX

Nonetheless being a smart Java developer takes more that just knowing your stuck.


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