What should I learn before learning Spring?

What should I leaarn before learning Spring

How to code or program.

Knowing Java means you know a programming language, not that you know how to program. Knowing how to program means that you know the structuring principles to putting an application together. You know when to use a linked list instead of an array.

The way I began to learn programming is the book: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs. Also known as SICP. Read it and do the exercises. More than once.

I have run across many people who read Java, and even write some Java. But all they could really do is crib code snippets. The did not understand how the whole thing worked.

Also, I think you don’t need any other specific prerequisites to learn Spring. But it is still enormous, if you move beyond Spring IOC, you might want to peek into JavaEE a bit and get a foundation of what’s there.

Once you’re comfortable coding using Spring, then you might want to get certified.

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