Why is learning Spring Framework so hard?

Learning Spring Framework is no different from learning to count. I explain the concept here.

I assume you are not “asking” us this question here. You are in fact, telling us that you have found Spring Framework harder to pick up and would like a solution.

If that is the case, please read on.

If you just want to understand why Spring is hard, Please skip anything I say below.

I have been in your shoes and can relate to the question. Here is how I would approach the task of learning Spring Framework.

(This below applies to anything you are struggling with and not just for Spring or even technology for that matter. You could apply this to anything in life with a good chance of success.)

  1. Define the problem

Let’s define what our challenge is here. You mentioned “learning Spring Framework”. And that deserves some clarification in itself.

I am sure you have figured out by now that Spring Framework is actually an ecosystem of various projects and modules.

An explanation of this ecosystem is here but I don’t think you are referring to learning the details in it. There is something else that is on the mind here right on the periphery.

The entire Spring Framework is in question here.

  1. Divide the problem

It would benefit you immensely if you split the question into smaller chunks. To learn Spring Framework, I would start with the smallest unit of work that would get me into the learning mode.

In our case, if you looked at the snapshot above, you would want to go to the “Spring Core” first. That is where Spring began. That is where everything started in Spring world.

To understand Spring Core, you need to understand why you need it to begin with.

You also need to understand where you can use it.

And you need to understand if its worth your time to learn it.

  1. Schedule the learning

Tony Robbins said something wonderful the other day:

If you talk about it, it’s a dream, if you envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it, it’s real.

This is where you attack the smallest challenge possible. You identified this in step 2 – It was to get a hello world on Spring Core. I will give you a glimpse of what hello world looks like:

I provide more than one way of bringing Spring into a project from scratch here.

But there are equally qualified articles elsewhere that will get you started. For instance:

Spring MVC hello world example from Mkyong is excellent

A slightly outdated article (yet relevant from core concept) from Tutorialspoint is here

I also like Cave of Programming tutorials by John Purcell on youtube which will provide a good start.

Ranga Karanam has a slew of videos that could provide good start. here is one for beginners.

The trick is to go small and then gradually grow from there.

Let me know if this helps.