What is a good Spring tutorial?

For Spring Framework any one can learn from lots of online best java tutorials. I have mentions below Spring tutorials for helping to learn in baby steps.

  1. Spring Tutorial-A baby step to learn Spring Framework
  2. Spring MVC Tutorial
  3. Spring Boot Tutorial
  4. Spring Security Tutorial
  5. Spring Batch Tutorial
  6. Spring JDBC Framework
  7. Spring AOP Tutorial

For Hibernate Framework

Hibernate Tutorial – A baby step to learn

I am also really happy to announce some very exciting news: to celebrate the imminent release of Spring 5 and Java 9 we launched our simulators SALE CAMPAIGN. We halved the price of our simulators at www.springmockexams.com and www.javamockexams.com for limited time only.

If the audience is interested in accessing our price offer, they can take a look here bit.ly/SMEBP and here bit.ly/JMEBP

If you are interested in collaborating with us, you can join our partner program at bit.ly/SMEPART  and here bit.ly/JMEPART


What are the different modules of spring?

Spring comprises of seven modules.

1.The Core container module
2.Application context module
3.AOP module (Aspect Oriented Programming)
4.JDBC abstraction and DAO module
5.O/R mapping integration module (Object/Relational)
6.Web module
7.MVC framework module

The core container:

The core container provides the essential functionality of the Spring framework. A primary component of the core container is the BeanFactory, an implementation of the Factory pattern. The BeanFactory applies the Inversion of Control (IOC) pattern to separate an application’s configuration and dependency specification from the actual application code.

Spring context:

The Spring context is a configuration file that provides context information to the Spring framework. The Spring context includes enterprise services such as JNDI, EJB, e-mail, internalization, validation, and scheduling functionality.

Spring AOP:

The Spring AOP module integrates aspect-oriented programming functionality directly into the Spring framework, through its configuration management feature. As a result you can easily AOP-enable any object managed by the Spring framework. The Spring AOP module provides transaction management services for objects in any Spring-based application. With Spring AOP you can incorporate declarative transaction management into your applications without relying on EJB components.

Spring DAO:

The Spring JDBC DAO abstraction layer offers a meaningful exception hierarchy for managing the exception handling and error messages thrown by different database vendors. The exception hierarchy simplifies error handling and greatly reduces the amount of exception code you need to write, such as opening and closing connections. Spring DAO’s JDBC-oriented exceptions comply to its generic DAO exception hierarchy.

Spring ORM:

The Spring framework plugs into several ORM frameworks to provide its Object Relational tool, including JDO, Hibernate, and iBatis SQL Maps. All of these comply to Spring’s generic transaction and DAO exception hierarchies.

Spring Web module:

The Web context module builds on top of the application context module, providing contexts for Web-based applications. As a result, the Spring framework supports integration with Jakarta Struts. The Web module also eases the tasks of handling multi-part requests and binding request parameters to domain objects.

Spring MVC framework:

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework is a full-featured MVC implementation for building Web applications. The MVC framework is highly configurable via strategy interfaces and accommodates numerous view technologies including JSP, Velocity, Tiles, iText, and POI.

Why is learning Spring Framework so hard?

Learning Spring Framework is no different from learning to count. I explain the concept here.

I assume you are not “asking” us this question here. You are in fact, telling us that you have found Spring Framework harder to pick up and would like a solution.

If that is the case, please read on.

If you just want to understand why Spring is hard, Please skip anything I say below.

I have been in your shoes and can relate to the question. Here is how I would approach the task of learning Spring Framework.

(This below applies to anything you are struggling with and not just for Spring or even technology for that matter. You could apply this to anything in life with a good chance of success.)

  1. Define the problem

Let’s define what our challenge is here. You mentioned “learning Spring Framework”. And that deserves some clarification in itself.

I am sure you have figured out by now that Spring Framework is actually an ecosystem of various projects and modules.

An explanation of this ecosystem is here but I don’t think you are referring to learning the details in it. There is something else that is on the mind here right on the periphery.

The entire Spring Framework is in question here.

  1. Divide the problem

It would benefit you immensely if you split the question into smaller chunks. To learn Spring Framework, I would start with the smallest unit of work that would get me into the learning mode.

In our case, if you looked at the snapshot above, you would want to go to the “Spring Core” first. That is where Spring began. That is where everything started in Spring world.

To understand Spring Core, you need to understand why you need it to begin with.

You also need to understand where you can use it.

And you need to understand if its worth your time to learn it.

  1. Schedule the learning

Tony Robbins said something wonderful the other day:

If you talk about it, it’s a dream, if you envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it, it’s real.

This is where you attack the smallest challenge possible. You identified this in step 2 – It was to get a hello world on Spring Core. I will give you a glimpse of what hello world looks like:

I provide more than one way of bringing Spring into a project from scratch here.

But there are equally qualified articles elsewhere that will get you started. For instance:

Spring MVC hello world example from Mkyong is excellent

A slightly outdated article (yet relevant from core concept) from Tutorialspoint is here

I also like Cave of Programming tutorials by John Purcell on youtube which will provide a good start.

Ranga Karanam has a slew of videos that could provide good start. here is one for beginners.

The trick is to go small and then gradually grow from there.

Let me know if this helps.

What is the purpose of the Spring framework?

From Spring Boot vs Spring MVC vs Spring – How do they compare?

What is the core problem that Spring Framework solves?

Think long and hard. What’s the problem Spring Framework solves?

Most important feature of Spring Framework is Dependency Injection. At the core of all Spring Modules is Dependency Injection or IOC Inversion of Control.

Why is this important? Because, when DI or IOC is used properly, we can develop loosely coupled applications. And loosely coupled applications can be easily unit tested.

Let’s consider a simple example:

Example without Dependency Injection

Consider the example below: WelcomeController depends on WelcomeService to get the welcome message. What is it doing to get an instance of WelcomeService? WelcomeService service = new WelcomeService();. It’s creating an instance of it. And that means they are tightly coupled. For example : If I create an mock for WelcomeService in a unit test for WelcomeController, How do I make WelcomeController use the mock? Not easy!

  1. @RestController
  2. public class WelcomeController {
  4. private WelcomeService service = new WelcomeService();
  6. @RequestMapping(“/welcome”)
  7. public String welcome() {
  8. return service.retrieveWelcomeMessage();
  9. }
  10. }

Same Example with Dependency Injection

World looks much easier with dependency injection. You let the spring framework do the hard work. We just use two simple annotations: @Component and @Autowired.

  • Using @Component, we tell Spring Framework – Hey there, this is a bean that you need to manage.
  • Using @Autowired, we tell Spring Framework – Hey find the correct match for this specific type and autowire it in.

In the example below, Spring framework would create a bean for WelcomeService and autowire it into WelcomeController.

In a unit test, I can ask the Spring framework to auto-wire the mock of WelcomeService into WelcomeController. (Spring Boot makes things easy to do this with @MockBean. But, that’s a different story altogether!)

  1. @Component
  2. public class WelcomeService {
  3. //Bla Bla Bla
  4. }
  6. @RestController
  7. public class WelcomeController {
  9. @Autowired
  10. private WelcomeService service;
  12. @RequestMapping(“/welcome”)
  13. public String welcome() {
  14. return service.retrieveWelcomeMessage();
  15. }
  16. }

What else does Spring Framework solve?

Problem 1 : Duplication/Plumbing Code

Does Spring Framework stop with Dependency Injection? No. It builds on the core concept of Dependeny Injection with a number of Spring Modules

  • Spring JDBC
  • Spring MVC
  • Spring AOP
  • Spring ORM
  • Spring JMS
  • Spring Test

Consider Spring JMS and Spring JDBC for a moment.

Do these modules bring in any new functionality? No. We can do all this with J2EE or JEE. So, what do these bring in? They bring in simple abstractions. Aim of these abstractions is to

  • Reduce Boilerplate Code/ Reduce Duplication
  • Promote Decoupling/ Increase Unit Testablity

For example, you need much less code to use a JDBCTemplate or a JMSTemplate compared to traditional JDBC or JMS.

Problem 2 : Good Integration with Other Frameworks.

Great thing about Spring Framework is that it does not try to solve problems which are already solved. All that it does is to provide a great integration with frameworks which provide great solutions.

  • Hibernate for ORM
  • iBatis for Object Mapping
  • JUnit & Mockito for Unit Testing

What are the steps to develop a mobile application using spring framework?

Spring is made on top of JAVA, and Java si for backend development so you won’t be able to make a mobile application using Spring only; it will hold the datas management, the critical logic but will never handle mobile application UI.

Nevertheless, you made me curious and i search for a Spring integration with Android; as Android being made on top of Java and used to build Android applications it could exist, and it does: Spring for Android, but you’ll still need to learn Android.

As a full-stack developer i recommend you to make your backend with Spring, and follow these steps:

1. The Service Layer on the web server should be created first. For this, can be used framework named “Spring” or Spring Boot”.

2. The Service Layer having the complete functionalities about REST API’s that’s what it’s suggested to create first.

3. In the next step to build the application, you can choose Native Android or Native iOS, but the better and the best option would be, go for React Native as both users android or iOS can download and use the application.

4. In the fourth step, the application will be starting its communication with the service layer as it has the REST API’s.

Does Core Spring 4. 2 Certification helps programmer in growing his or her career?

The Core Spring 4.2 certification may help in Service base industry. Also will help you to be through with your knowledge in Spring Framework. It is good to have this certification because it is a perfect way to showcase your knowledge and it will be valid for a long time.

I would suggest to do some project using Spring Framework first or may be contributing to open source who are using these stack, then once you are comfortable with the technology, then go for the certification.

By the way, here are the differences between Spring 4.x and 3.x

Spring 4.x:

  • Removed Deprecated Packages and Methods, check out the API Differences
  • Report
  • Java 8 Support
  • Java EE 6 and 7 or above is now considered the baseline for Spring
  • Framework 4
  • Groovy Bean Definition DSL, read more about this API.
  • Core Container Improvements
  • General Web Improvements
  • WebSocket, SockJS, and STOMP Messaging
  • Testing Improvements

Spring 3.x:

  • Spring MVC Test Framework
  • Asynchronous MVC processing on Servlet 3.0
  • Custom @Bean definition annotations in @Configuration classes
  • @Autowired and @Value to be used as meta-annotations
  • Concurrency refinements across the framework
  • Loading WebApplicationContexts in the TestContext framework
  • JCache 0.5 (JSR-107)

You may also take the Core Spring 4.2 mock exam at 50% off which has been proven to be real questions from the certification exam.

Pass the Java Spring Framework 4 and #CoreSpring 4.2 Certification Today: bit.ly/JMEHO | bit.ly/SMEHOOT

What is Java Spring Framework?

Spring is frame work for different kinds of application development. It can provide bunch classes which is internally used the J2EE supplied classes. Meaning, we can say that spring is an alternate to struts but complement to J2EE.

Spring Framework Features 

Spring Framework is non invasive: No need for you to implement any interface or inherit any class from this framework to your classes.

Spring Framework is Light weight: Spring is a vast framework so users divide the whole spring in to different modules which are dependent to other module , except Spring core module.

End-to-end Development : Spring framwork supports almost all aspects of application development,  so users would be able to develop a complete application using it.

Spring Framework supports differet types of application development: We can develop any type of applications using Spring Framework. Example: Core java, web Application, Distributed application, Enterprise application.

Spring Framework is versatile: It can be integrated into any technology.

Spring Framework ports dependency injection: The dependency between classes are managed by spring framework.

Dependency injection:

Spring core is one module which deals with dependency management. This means that arbitrary classes provided to spring, can manage dependency.

What is dependency?

From a project point of view, multiple classes are specified with different functionality. Each of these classes required some functionality of other classes, Example:

  1. class Engine
  2. {
  3. public void start()
  4. {
  5. System.out.println(“Engine started”);
  6. }
  8. }
  10. class Car
  11. {
  12. public void move()
  13. {
  14. // For moving start() method of engine class is required
  15. }
  16. }

Here class Engine is required by class car so we can say class engine is dependent to class Car, So instead of we managing those dependency by Inheritance or creating object as fallows.

By Inheritance:

  1. class Engine
  2. {
  3. public void start()
  4. {
  5. System.out.println(“Engine started”);
  6. }
  8. }
  9. class Car extends Engine
  10. {
  11. public void move()
  12. {
  13. start(); //Calling super class start method,
  14. }
  15. }

By creating object of dependent class:

  1. class Engine
  2. {
  3. public void start()
  4. {
  5. System.out.println(“Engine started”);
  6. }
  8. }
  9. class Car
  10. {
  11. Engine eng=new Engine();
  12. public void move()
  13. {
  14. eng.start();
  15. }
  16. }

Instead of managing dependency between classes, spring core handles the dependency management. However, the classes must be designed with some design technique that is Strategy design pattern.

Thanks for reading our “What is Java Spring Framework?” article. If you liked it, then please share with your friends and colleagues. If you have any feedback or doubt then please leave us a comment.

By the way, I am also really happy to announce some very exciting news: to celebrate the imminent release of Spring 5 and Java 9,  we launched our simulators SALE CAMPAIGN. We halved the price of our simulators at www.springmockexams.com and www.javamockexams.com for limited time only. Take a look here bit.ly/SMEBP and here bit.ly/JMEBP

If you are interested in collaborating with us, you can join our partner program at bit.ly/SMEPART  and here bit.ly/JMEPART

Top 5 Spring Boot Interview Questions with Answers for Java/JEE Programmers 2018

Here is our top 5 list of the most common Spring Boot Interview Questions based on our recent survey.

1. What is Spring Boot? Why should we use it?

Spring Boot is a Java framework from Sring umbrella which is developed to simplify the use of Spring Framework for Java development. It helps in automation, configuration, and dependencies.

Why should we use it? It provides a lot of convenience by auto-configuration which helps improve productivity because it allows developers and programmers to focus on writing the business logic.

2. What is starter dependency in Spring Boot? 

This question is usually asked because after examining several Spring-based projects, they noticed that there is always some set of libraries which are used together e.g. Spring MVC with Jackson for creating RESTful web services. Since declaring a dependency in Maven’s pom.xml is difficult, they combined many libraries into one based upon functionality and created this starter package.

This saves you a lot of hassles from declaring many dependencies. Moreover, frees you from compatibility and version mismatch issue.

3. What is Spring Initializer and why should you use it?

It helps in initial setup – it’s a web application that helps you to create initial Spring boot project structure and provides Maven or Gradle build file to build your code.

4. Where do you define properties in Spring Boot application?

You can define related properties into a file called application.properties. This can be done manually or you can use Spring Initializer to create this file, albeit empty.

You don’t need to do any special configuration to instruct Spring Boot load this file. If it exists in classpath then Spring Boot automatically loads it and configure itself and application code according.

5. What is the difference between an embedded container and a WAR?

The main difference between these two is that you can run Spring Boot application as a JAR from the command prompt without setting up a web server. To run a WAR file, you need to set up a web server.

Thanks for reading our first article so far. If you like these Spring Boot Interview Questions then please share with your friends and colleagues. If you have any feedback or doubt then please leave us a comment.

By the way, I am also really happy to announce some very exciting news: to celebrate the imminent release of Spring 5 and Java 9,  we launched our simulators SALE CAMPAIGN. We halved the price of our simulators at www.springmockexams.com and www.javamockexams.com for limited time only. Take a look here bit.ly/SMEBP and here bit.ly/JMEBP

If you are interested in collaborating with us, you can join our partner program at bit.ly/SMEPART  and here bit.ly/JMEPART