What are the learning stages of Java?

The learning stages of Java depends on the person who’s trying to learn it. It can be a tough journey or a smooth sailing one. Whatever your learning journey is, please do not quit. Believe me, it will be all worth it.

Take time to read this one from a self-taught programmer, Carlos Hunter, regarding his thoughts on the learning stages of Java.

“Assuming you’ve never programmed before:

Kinda like this:

  1. Fun, I’m learning to output Hello World. But what the heck does “static void main(String[] args)” mean?
  2. Ok, so math operations are easy, they’re as the’ve always been. I can also declare ints, chars, bools…
  3. Learn loops and conditional. Not difficult.
  4. Learn to declare and use methods. Cool.
  5. Learn more things like arrays, classes… Multidimensional arrays..?
  6. Learn strange things like polymorphism, abstract classes, inheritance, constructors… May be difficult for beginners.
  7. Think “please stop”
  8. Learn more new concepts and language stuff, some keywords.
  9. Get tired of it
  10. Learn about exceptions
  11. Learn about threads
  12. Learn to work with files.
  13. You know most of what you need but there are some concepts you don’t know very well so you are useless. Everything seems to be very hard to learn.
  14. Try to make something, but you are going to be the next five hours debugging.
  15. Re-learn everything again
  16. Feel you’ll never do a program that runs with no bugs before.
  17. Spend more hours debugging while you realize little facts you didn’t know.
  18. Almost give up, or give up
  19. Discover any question you had about programming is already in stackoverflow
  20. Get banned from asking in stackoverflow for a week
  21. Break everything trying to do anything
  22. Find some good book
  23. Learn new stuff like streams, etcetera. If you don’t speak English as a native it may be very difficult.
  24. Say kill me please
  25. Hard learning of getting accustomed to coding
  26. Learn to make GUIs, because that’s what we always wanted, right?
  27. Trying to do some project you found in a tutorial.
  28. Fail.
  29. Just copy the code.
  30. No, not copy-paste, type it.
  31. Implement new things using what you learnt.
  32. This is where you start to learn to program.
  33. Debug and program some more…
  34. This will take a while.
  35. More debugging.
  36. At this point you probably got used to some java important packages.
  38. Add things to your GUI program.
  39. Continue programming.
  40. You ask yourself things like why abstract classes exist if there are interfaces.
  41. Suffer.
  42. Now you should be comfortable with Java.
  43. Continue getting accustomed to program with Java.
  44. Now you feel you can call yourself a programmer, after at (the very) least three months of everyday hard work since starting.
  45. Read code and improve your terrible skill.
  46. Get used to it.
  47. Realize there are some stuff that you weren’t taught
  48. Learn what you need
  49. Let the time pass (“What do I do now?”)
  50. You know Java.
  51. Learn boring sorting algorithms, etc, whatever you want.
  52. Keep learning.
